10 Largest Rivers in the United States.

2,341 miles

the Missouri River is the largest river in the United States! This river flows through 7 states.

Missouri River

 2,320 miles

The river has been used for transport, a source of food, and a source of water.

Mississippi River

Yukon River

1,982 miles

The Yukon River flows from Yukon and British Columbia into Alaska.

Rio Grande River

1,885 miles

The Rio Grande flows between the U.S. and Mexico.

The Arkansas River is the second-largest tributary of the Mississippi River.

1,469 miles

Arkansas River

The Colorado River was integral to the lives of Native Americans for thousands of years.

1,450 miles

Colorado River

Red River

1,360 miles

the name comes from the reddish color of the water.

The river is famous for having the largest river discharge into the Pacific in North or South America.

1,243 miles

Columbia River

The Snake River has been home to Native Americans for over 10,000 years.

1,040 miles

Snake River

This river is rather wide, too, reaching over a mile in width at some parts.

981 miles

Ohio River